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时间:2020-09-29 点击:712次


Future Sales initiatives – Customer Journey



Draft v2



“Hello, my name is Sarah!

I'm 29 years old. I love my phone, doing sports, shopping
and going out with my friends!


And above all, I love my job! I‘m a marketing manager at a fortune 500 company in Beijing. My office is located in the south-east 2nd ring road and I live in the north-west part of the city.


I have to commute everyday, sometimes by DiDi, bus or subway, it takes me 1.5 hours to get to work! I would like to buy a car but I have no idea about brands or models!”


I would like to share with you my experience with the new Volkswagen, from how I found my car and how I loved to own a Volkswagen!



“So I parked my dad’s car in the shopping mall to meet friends and on the way to the entrance, suddenly this Volkswagen showroom with really cool cars catches my attention!


“I go in and fall in love with the Magotan! And you know what? The test-drive booking was super easy, I just got the Volkswagen app and booked it on my mobile. I am so excited!”


“I need to find out more and go onto the Volkswagen website. It is so much more entertaining that I thought - and so clear! Finally car information that even I understand!”


“Then, during the test-drive, the Magotan drives so smoothly on my commute! I tested it for 3 days in all life situations and I remember thinking: I really want this car now!“


“I then chat with Retail Genius Sam. He suggests me a car colour that really suits me well! Finally a guy that knows what I want. He really was there for me since I first got in contact with Volkswagen.”


“I am not sure if I should buy or lease – these great online leasing offers really suit my lifestyle.”


“Eventually I buy the car and with the Volkswagen APP I am tracking the status every day now. My new car has just left the factory and I am so excited when it arrives!”


“I have the car for a year now and my loyalty to Volkswagen really seems to pay off. I just redeemed my Volkswagen points for a flight to Thailand!”


“And even for my travel plans to Thailand, Volkswagen is here for me! Last night I booked my rental car for Thailand online, conveniently from my living room.”


“I wanted to chat with my friends about my travel plans but as my car also needed service, I booked Volkswagen’s convenient Pick-up and drop off service. I came back from the restaurant and found my car serviced!”


“A few months later, my life has changed! How did Genius know I’m pregnant – so thoughtful to send a teddy bear!”


“And you know what’s best overall? Volkswagen lets me share my travel recommendations with people like me!”





“I really love the new Volkswagen!”




























