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CFA Block 宣传-英语男声

时间:2020-09-29 点击:837次



For many people, it is wonderful to be able to drive a BMW home with only 3000 dollars down. Indeed, many people around the world are choosing to buy a car with a loan instead of paying full upfront. However, buyers in many countries face high interest rates on their car loans.



Take China for example, interest rates on new car loans range from 10% to 23%, and the rate on car title loans can be as high as 36%! Why are interest rates so high? Because there is too much bad debt. And why is there so much bad debt? Because there are too many cunning fraud syndicates.

骗贷团伙通常用同一辆车做抵押,骗完A公司,再去骗B公司,如果可以的话,他们还会再骗一家C公司,然后卷款开车跑路。 问题来了,A公司为何不把坏车主的信息告诉B公司呢?答案很简单,A公司怎会把自己刚付过学费的黑名单,无偿送给竞争对手呢。 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。骗贷集团屡屡得手,让整个汽车金融业坏账率居高不下。保守估计,在全球,每年因骗贷产生的坏账高达数百亿美元。

These fraud syndicates typically take out several loans on the same car from different lenders, and repay none of them. How come one lender does not warn other lenders about these fraud syndicates? The answer is simple, a lender would not share any hard earned criminal blacklists with its competitors for free. Therefore these fraud syndicates can succeed time and again, leaving mountains of bad debt for the entire auto finance industry, which amount to tens of billions of dollars worldwide each year, using the most conservative estimates.

幸运的是,CFA Block为这个暗黑世界,带来了光明,它将成为骗贷集团的噩梦。 CFA应用区块链技术,将生态圈中每一个参与方的信息写入分布式账本,拆除数据孤岛,360度无死角的驱逐不良分子,让其再无安生。

Fortunately, CFA Block will bring light to this darkness and be the nightmare to these fraud syndicates. Using blockchain technology, CFA will record information from all participants in the auto finance ecosystem onto its distributed ledger, eliminate data silos and completely expose these fraudsters, leaving them nowhere to hide.

CFA 汇集了业务端,资金端,保险公司,智能硬件公司,软件服务公司及车主,共同打造未来区块链生态。利用F-DPoSDAGDAO实现了快速可靠的共识及存储机制,建立由应用层、接口层、合约层、激励层、共识层、网络层、基础架构层的全生态,且图灵完备的公链架构,让生态中的伙伴更方便、快捷的上链。

CFA Block will gather all participants in the auto finance industry – lenders, financial institutions, insurance companies, smart hardware manufacturers, SaaS providers and car owners – to build the blockchain ecosystem together.

By adopting Fair DPoS, DAG DAO technologies, CFA Block will construct a fast and reliable consensus and data storage mechanism that seamlessly link all layers of its architecture into a Turing-complete public chain, enabling all parties to easily participate in, and benefit from, the ecosystem.

预计未来在CFA汽车金融行业应用公链上,将诞生10+优质的DApp应用满足全球数亿车主的需求。 目前,CFA 储备激活的车主数量达到500万人,并以每月新增15万的速度激增。不仅如此,CFA 拥有优秀的技术团队,包括区块链、FinTech,大数据,汽车金融等众多领域的专家,为公链的落地,和合作伙伴的上链,提供强大保障。

We envision that hundreds of thousands of DApps would co-exist on the CFA Block public chain, serving the needs of hundreds of millions of car owners from around the world.

The CFA Block project already has a five million customer reserve, growing at One hundred and fifty thousand  new customers per month, ready to be activated. CFA Block has put together a technical A-Team, consisting of experts in blockchain, FinTech, Big Data and automotive finance, to deploy the public chain and help our customers and partners connect to it.

骗贷率减少,行业利率自然降低,车主将以更低成本买到心爱的车。同时,利率降低,汽车金融公司的业务量也会成五倍,甚至十倍的增长。 未来的汽车金融世界,诚信、公正、充满活力。 暗黑中,仰望CFA之美,天下无贼。

With less fraud in the industry, interest rates will decrease and people can own their cars with lower costs. With lower interest rates, auto finance companies will increase their sales by five times, ten times, perhaps even more.

We envision the future of auto finance to be full of integrity, justice and vitality. CFA Block will light up the darkness and make it beautiful!

