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痛经仪旁白-中英 -女声

时间:2020-09-29 点击:868次


痛经这个问题一直困扰着女生Dysmenorrhea has always been plaguong the females.

无论怎么做都缓解不了痛经No matter how girls try to relieve it, it always be there.

翻来覆去是真的难熬It’s really unbearable for girls.

为什么我们女孩子要承受这些痛苦? Why do we girls suffer from these pains?


现在,你也可以拥有一款痛经黑科技   Now, you can  have a new technology instrument for solving the dysmenorrhea.

告别疼痛   Say goodbye to dysmenorrhea

不用再担心副作用   No need to worry about side effects.

快速止痛    Rapid pain relief


贴上咖啵啵 Paste the Careboo pads

用科学的办法,帮你甩走经痛Use scientific methods to help you get rid of menstrual pain


TENS疗法TENS therapy

通过皮肤,输入低频脉冲电流Input low frequency pulse current through the skin

阻隔疼痛神经Barrier the pain of nerve

减轻疼痛感relieve pain


采用先进的日本电疗技术 Taking advanced Japanese electrotherapy technology

结合中医经络原理Combining the principles of traditional Chinese medicine

赶走经期烦恼Drive away the troubles of menstruation



3种工作模式3 working modes

15档强度设置15 levels intensity settings

自由调节刺激程度Freely adjust the degree of stimulation

有效舒缓不同程度的疼痛不适Effectively relieve varying degrees of pain and discomfort


温和电脉冲Mild electrical pulse

小腹感觉温热、舒适The lower abdomen feels warm and comfortable


同时咖啵啵促进血液循环At the same time, Careboo promotes blood circulation

疏通经络    Dredge meridian

让你的经期不再烦恼     You will no longer worry about your menstrual period pain.


这就是咖啵啵经期护理仪  This is the Careboo, you Menstrual care instrument

你的经期小护士    Your best menstrual nurse.


