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时间:2019-10-26 点击:724次

   KOOPOR MINI 与其他盒子温控对比效果展示视频   Now, lets do a tissue burn test to see how the temperature control function works.   (现在,让我们来做一个有机棉干烧测试,来看看温控功能的效果如何)

   KOOPOR MINI 与其他盒子温控对比效果展示视频

  Now, lets do a tissue burn test to see how the temperature control function works.


  Here we have a nickel build on a TFV4 RBA and a strip of tissue.

  (我们拿一个 TF-R1 核芯和一段有机棉)

  I ’ m going to burn the tissue at 300, 400, 500 and 600 degrees Fahrenheit respectively, and

  each for 10 seconds.

  (我将分别在 300,400,500 和 600 华氏摄氏度干烧有机棉,每次都持续 10 秒钟。)

  Let’s watch what will happen. (让我们看看下面会发生什么)

  1,2,3,FIRING (1,2,3, 点烟)

  All right, now we can see 4 shades of yellow on the tissue, which indicate different degrees of

  burns. And that provides a vivid explanation of how effectively the X CUBE II can regulate the

  heating coil temperature.



  接下来,我们用一款市场上常见的温控盒子来与 KOOPOR MINI 做温控效果的对比测试,

  Next, we are going to do a temperature protection test by comparing KOOPOR mini with another

  common box mod with temperature control mode.

  我们选用相同的雾化器 TFV4,相同的阻值来做测试,

  And both attach TFV4 tank with the same resistance.


  In order to give you guys a more vivid comparison, we use professional equipment, the

  oscilloscope to show the changes.

  首先,我们把 KOOPOR MINI 接入示波器,它的温度变化图形显示在屏幕的上面,这条黄线就是,

  Firstly, we attach KOOPOR mini to the scope, and its signal wave of temperature shows at the top

  of the screen, it’s yellow.


  Then, we attach the other mod to the scope, and its signal wave of temperature shows at the

  bottom of the screen, it’s blue.

  OK,我们开始,同时按下 2 款产品的操作键,时间是 10 秒,

  Ok, here we go, fire these two box mods at the same time, last for 10 seconds.

  我们可以看到,2 款产品的温度波形经过动态调整后都趋于直线,

  From the scope we can see that both signals fluctuated at the beginning and then became almost




  Now, we zoom in on the signals. The blue one shows rectangular pulse,


  while the yellow one is relatively flat, fluctuates within a narrower range and not obvious

  rectangular pulse.

  由此可以看出 KOOPOR 的温控更加细腻有效。

  Thus it proves that the KOOPOR mini is performing better on temperature control.

   KOOPOR MINI 核心功能演示视频


  KOOPOR MINI 是最新发布的具有温控功能的电池迷你盒子,它的功率达到了 60W,还有一些非常实用


  KOOPOR mini is the latest Temperature Control Box Mod, which offers power of up to 60 watts

  and other advanced features. Now, we are going to show you guys how to operate it.

  OK,我们开始吧。先安装好雾化器,我们采用的是 SMOK 公司出品的 TFV4 雾化器。

  Ok, here we go. Firstly, let’s attach the newest TFV4 tank from SMOK.

  开机操作 Power On:

  ① 系统关机状态下,广告配音制作 2 秒内快按 5 次 KOOPOR 键开机,显⽰屏依次显⽰,欢迎界

  ⾯ “WELCOME”、品牌 “KOOPOR”、型号 ”KP60”;

  While the device is off power, fast click KOOPOR Button 5 times in 2s to start up.

  The screen successively shows "WELCOME", brand "KOOPOR", model "KP60";

  ② 待机状态下,短按 KOOPOR 键,激活系统并点亮显⽰屏。


  From standby status, shortly press KOOPOR Button to active the system and light the display


  关机操作 Power Off:

  系统在锁屏状态下,长按 KOOPOR 键 8 秒,显⽰屏显⽰,再见界⾯ “GOODBYE”,屏幕熄灭,关机。

  While the device is locked, hold KOOPOR Button for 8s, then the display screen shows “GOOD

  BYE!”, and the screen turns off, which means the device is power off.

  菜单操作及提⽰ Menus & Prompts:

  开机状态下,在 2 秒内快速按 3 次 KOOPOR 键,进⼊操作设置菜单。此时,长按 KOOPOR 键具有


  Menus & Prompts: After startup, fast press the KOOPOR Button 3 times in 2s, then you

  will go to the operation menu. At the same time, long-press on the KOOPOR Button to

  confirm; UP / DOWN Button could do menu moves.

  图标提⽰详解如下表: Icon prompts as following:

  菜单下的第一个是功能模式,我们可以选择 2 种模式,第一个温控模式,第二个是可调功率模式,这也是


  First is the operating mode menu, there are two default options: Temp Mode and Watt Mode.

  第二个功能是雾化芯材质的选择,我们可以选择镍 或 钛作为温控模式下的雾化芯材质。

  Second menu is about the coil material, we can choose Nickel or Titanium under the temperature

  control mode.

  接下来是这款产品的一个独特功能,它为我们提供了 3 种模式的功率输出,广告配音制作第一个是柔和模式,功率输出

  在 6-40W,第二个是正常模式,功率输出在 6-50W,第三个是强劲模式,功率输出在 6-60W,这个功能


  Next, the mod has a unique feature, which provides three modes of vaping effect for you to choose.

  They are Soft mode (output range between 6w and 40w), Norm mode(output range between 6w

  and 50w), and Hard mode (output range between 6w and 60w). The design is allow us to quickly

  choose our favorite vaping effect, and it’s very easy to use.




  Finally, we want to introduce the function of adjusting the initial resistance in particular. As we all

  know that the atomizer resistance is changeable, there will be two different values by screw it

  tighter or looser. So we add this function to improve the accuracy of regulating and the flavor of

  every puff.

  KOOPOR MINI 温控介绍与操作


  Next, we are going to talk about the temperature control function of KOOPOR MINI。



  If you are using temperature control mode, be careful to only attach new atomizers that have

  cooled to room temperature to the device. If a new atomizer is attached to the X CUBE II before

  it has cooled down, the temperature may read and protect incorrectly until the new atomizer



  KOOPOR MINI 只需要调节温度,就会自动匹配适应功率,这样操作就显得非常快捷简单。

  Most temperature-control mods on the market need to set wattages while applying temperature

  protection, which is inconvenient. While KOOPOR mini can automatically adjust wattages

  according to the temperature value that you set, which make the operation more simple and easy.


  OK,设置好温控值,我们来看一下实际效果,操作时间是 10 秒,先是 400℉,可以看到,温度达到设定

  值后就会出现温控保护,强制降温,温度始终控制在设定值内,然后我们把温度调高到 600℉,得到结果


  Ok, let’s see the actual effect. First set the temperature at 400℉, press and hold power button for

  10 seconds, and we can see the temperature protection icon once it reaches the set value. The

  temperature will not increase any more, and always under the value you set. Then set the

  temperature at 600℉, it works the same way.


  接下来,我们使用专业的 示波器 来检验温控效果,将雾化芯连接到示波器上

  Now, we use professional equipment, the oscilloscope to test the temperature effect. Attach an

  atomizer to the scope.

  首先,我们把温度设置在 400℉,操作时间 10 秒,

  And we set the temperature at 400℉, press and hold power button for 10 seconds.

  我们可以看到 温度变化的波形一开始在小幅度波动,这是动态调整,很快波形就趋于平稳的直线,

  We can see the signal wave of temperature fluctuated within a narrow range at the beginning, and

  then became almost flat.

  然后我们把温度调高到 600℉,得到结果也是这样,

  This time we set the temperature at 600℉, the signal wave is the same,


  which indicates how outstanding the temperature control can be, and it really works.

  最后,推荐你选择 KOOPOR MINI,这是一款具有极高性价比的温控盒子,操作简单,我对它实在是爱不


  We strongly recommend KOOPOR mini, which is a temperature control box mod with high

  cost-effectiveness, and user-friendly operation. Once own it, you can hardly put it down!
